Plastic Repair System ha obtenido el primer premio en la categoría Producto Servicio para el
Se trata de un reconocimiento que el Ministerio concede a empresas innovadoras, que cumplen una
La empresa navarra dedicada la reparación de elementos plásticos, Plastic Repair System 2011 S.L, contó
The Navarran company dedicated to the repair of plastic elements, Plastic Repair System 2011 S.L,
It is a recognition that the Ministry grants to innovative companies, which meet a series
Plastic Repair System 2011 SL se ha unido recientemente al Clúster de Innovación de Envase
Plastic Repair System has obtained the first prize in the Product Service for Sustainable Development
Plastic Repair System 2011 SL has recently joined the Packaging Innovation Cluster, with the aim